Protecting your business in an uncertain world

Cincinnati Global underwrites a diverse portfolio of war, terrorism and political violence risks across the globe. Our geographic scope is not limited by territory. We actively look to write risks based in the United Kingdom, Europe, the Americas and the Middle East.

Key features of cover:

  • Policy limit of up to USD 30 million per risk for terrorism, terrorism liability, strikes, riots, civil commotion and full political violence.
  • Terms of 18 months operational and five years for construction are available. Longer terms can be agreed upon by senior management on a case-by-case basis.
  • Ability to provide coverage for the majority of the common market extensions, including loss of attraction, event cancellation, threat, cyber terrorism, organised crime, and nuclear, chemical, biological and radiological.


Coupled with our significant lead position in the property space, business written is driven by our experienced underwriting team and supported by our highly qualified and well-resourced exposure management and claims teams.

Contact details

Tom Gardner
Senior Underwriter
Tel: +44 (0)20 7220 8208   Email

Nathan Smith
War, Terrorism & Political Violence Underwriter
Tel: +44 (0)20 7220 8208   Email


The account is underwritten at Lloyd’s Box 185 and 188 on Gallery 1.